Did you know that polygamy is legally recognised in South Africa?
Did you know that our President has 3 wives?
Did you know that it brings most South Africans an immense amount of embarrassment that when our President meets people like Barack Obama, Gordon Brown and Queen Elizabeth, he will do so with 3 wives in tow?
Did you know that these 3 women take their "role" as First Lady(ies) so seriously that they could not even bother to stay awake during their husband's first-ever State of the Nation Address?
What a proud day for our country...
No I didn't know that. To be fair though I think every country has its embarrassments - ok well maybe some more than others. I know here in the UK we have a few major embarrassments in politics!
Wow I didnt know that about your country! But i think the PP is right, every country has its embarassments! That is cute that they couldnt stay awake though! LOL
Maybe they were praying? Or at the very least I'm assuming they were considerate enough not too snore?
After trying to explain monogamy to
an old African with whom I shared a camp fire with many years ago, he could not believe what I was telling him and he told me that I was mad at only having one wife.... with a cheeky grin and a glint in his eye he told me....
1 wife wil nag.
2 wives will fight with eachother.
3 wives will will be too busy competing with eachother to keep their man happy that they will be too tired to fight or nag.....
It is an interesting mix.
They're like to retain all the perks (multiple wives etc) of tribal life and then get all the perks of western life (BMW X5, 4 houses etc).
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