Wednesday 25 March 2009


Please forgive my silence this week - it is no excuse, but I am getting up at 05h00 ever morning, getting ready for work, making 3 lunches and snacks (which is quite a tricky thing with Adam and I following my weight management programme and Caleb only on healthy snacks). Then I leave the house by 06h15 - drive all the way to Pretoria and then lecture all day. I get home in the evening and start the dinner and cleaning up routine. Then it is into bed with the boys and finally an hour to myself before I fall into bed and start the whole process again tomorrow.

Next week I am not working at all, so I promise to pay more attention to my blog then..

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I thought I was tired before I read your blog! Now I'm exhausted! Almost at the weekend! Hang in there!