Thursday, 6 December 2012

Gay did it again...

Now it's the gays fault that Marikana happened??? We should have known we would get the blame... lol... well.. it's either us or Satan.. oh wait.. we are a product of Satan.. Gay Jumper Demons and all that...

Pastor Errol Naidoo from the Family Policy Institute
"Abortion-on-demand, driven by radical feminist activists and the homosexual agenda, lie at the heart of the culture of death. These anti-family groups are responsible for population decline ... There has been much hand wringing and recrimination about the Marikana [tragedy]. But when human life is diminished in the womb, that callousness will find its way into the national psyche."


Unknown said...

I am just floored as to how most christians are quick to tell us how they don't mind the gays... Cause Jesus loves us all. And yet, none of the christians that I personally know have ever held their leaders accountable for the consequence of such comments. Silence is as much of a violation of human rights as bigoted comments that fuel intolerance and violance.

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