I feel so loved and blessed.. my boys (Adam included) really spoilt me yesterday - but the most special thing I received was a card from Caleb and Daniel with these words:
I don't recall the first time you held me
or when I first heard your voice.
But from the first moment you held me in your arms,
you made the most selfless choice.
You chose to change your busy life
so that my life could begin.
You are my shelter from the rain,
on you I can depend.
Even though you cannot always be right beside me,
your love is matched by no other
And I thank God each day for his greatest gift:
Making you my mother
How sweet was that? Really made me cry.. but those happy joyful kind of tears that only the love for a child can bring.
Adam also gave me a beautiful card from a husband to the mother of his children - and he said such beautiful things in that card, but that is private..:) Adam gave me a beautiful Tanzanite ring..it is so special.. every time I look at it I am reminded of my greatest role in life - namely that of mother and wife.
Adam, Caleb and Daniel thank you so much for letting me be part of your lives - I love all three of you so very much - I would not swap our life for anything. You enrich my soul and bring happiness to my heart - the kind of love and happiness that some people only dream of -
I am so blessed
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